Missed out on attending a Grid summer school this year?

Why not study at home using the teaching material from the Joint Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) and South Eastern European Grid-Enabled eInfrastructure Development (SEE-GRID) Summer School on Application Support, held on 25–30 June in Budapest, Hungary, and organized and hosted by MTA SZTAKI, the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The teaching material includes lectures, slides and notes for the hands-on practicals, originally presented by EGEE, SEE-GRID and ICEAGE representatives.

The school aimed to introduce potential users to EGEE and SEE-GRID Grid technologies, and to introduce methods for application development on EGEE Grid networks. Its primary focus was on ways that end-users can apply gLite middleware to operate large-scale distributed applications on top of interorganizational Grids.

Twenty-two people attended the school, including 17 from European academic institutes and universities, and five from the University of Seoul.

During dedicated sessions, the attendees' own legacy applications were ported onto EGEE. Three applications were successfully ported during the Gridification sessions:

Time evolution of spherically symmetric nonlinear fields: from the Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Hungary. The application was ported onto EGEE as a parametric study workflow in P-GRADE that uses storage elements and file catalogues.

Simulation of pellet–plasma interaction:from the Eötvös Lóránd University, Hungary. The application was also ported onto EGEE as a parametric study job with P-GRADE that uses storage elements and file catalogues.

HYP3D code, used in quantum mechanics theory: from the University of Rennes and CNRS, France. The application works with large data files and requires large memory on worker nodes. Two of three jobs were ported during the school with command line tools and JDL. The remaining job will be ported with the help of the EGEE application porting support group.

Introductory and report slides on the Gridified applications are also available.

• This article was published online in iSGTW on 8 August.